Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Piñata Matamaka Style

VIDEO: Nesi taking her swing with the Piñata.

For the first in Matamaka history, we had a piñata! We originally made them in July/August for arts and crafts week, but we finally filled them up with candy and had the students take a whack at it. I first had to explain to all of the students to how piñata works. They were excited for the fact that this round ball was filled with delicious chocolates and candies. In addition, they were enthralled about the idea that they could hit the piñata with a bat.

Everyone had at least one chance to hit the piñata. We started with the class one and worked our way to class six. The children all were blind folded and spun around ten times. It was a lot of fun watching the kids getting really into the event. I used my kafa (my "belt" for my ta'ovala) and an extension cord as a rope for the piñata. It took about a good forty minutes when we finally decided that the kids could try and hit it without the being blindfolded.

As soon as the first crack was made, the children ran everywhere to grab all the goodies. They didn't realize that they had to completely destroy the thing to get all the candy out. In the end, it was a ton of fun and everyone had a good time. There were still three other piñatas left, but it was too costly to fill each one. Maybe we will take a crack on the other when the school opens for the next academic year in January. Until then, 'osi faka-pinata!

PHOTO: Various shots of the event.

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